TYPE: Black, Rooibos, Flavored
DESCRIPTION: Drink, and let the power of fury and rage flow through you! If you can withstand the rough, smokey liquid, then you can defeat any opponent in front of you!
INGREDIENTS: Rooibos, Keemum, Lapsang Souchong, Cardamom, Ginger Root, Brandy Flavors
BREWING INSTRUCTIONS: 1 tsp per 8 oz. water, BOIL° for 5 minutes
RE-BREW: 1-2 times
Pre-Bagged: Pre-bagged means that we put the tea in individual tea bags for you. Each size will be divided into 2.5 grams per tea bag, or:
10 bags per 25g
20 bags per 50g
40 bags per 100g
Orders get shipped out every Wednesday. Orders from Monday to Sunday are made and packaged on Monday and Tuesday, then shipped Wednesday. Other days are added if an over abundance of orders occurs.
There's a number of practical reasons. The company has a workforce of one person, consolidating orders saves hours every week. Time is also needed to make the teas, coffee, and soaps (A tea typically has to "sit" for about 2 days before it can be packaged). We also need to frequently do inventory to reorder supplies and ingredients. When we were doing daily orders, many orders were frequently delayed by up to a week because of this, so the once a week method saw little change for many people.
Smells amazing, tastes great. I'm now a fan of rooibos, a great evening beverage.
Doesn't really inspire berserkness, maybe it is intended to calm down the berserkers after their work is done. Regardless it's good.
A very solid tea; The notes of cardamom and brandy are pronounced and make for an energizing, earthy brew. It would be great as an addition to homemade apple cider. Had to Order in bulk because the gals at work loved it. :)
Flavorful tea. A wonderful tea experience.
Expected something a bit stronger given the name but this was a very nice tea overall.
Berserker Potion is so good! These bold flavors come together with beautiful harmony. Wonderful on its own or with a spot of milk on a cold night.
Smells amazing, tastes great. I'm now a fan of rooibos, a great evening beverage.
Doesn't really inspire berserkness, maybe it is intended to calm down the berserkers after their work is done. Regardless it's good.
A very solid tea; The notes of cardamom and brandy are pronounced and make for an energizing, earthy brew. It would be great as an addition to homemade apple cider. Had to Order in bulk because the gals at work loved it. :)
Flavorful tea. A wonderful tea experience.
Expected something a bit stronger given the name but this was a very nice tea overall.
Berserker Potion is so good! These bold flavors come together with beautiful harmony. Wonderful on its own or with a spot of milk on a cold night.