Dec 28, 2021
November was an unexpected, wonderfully chaotic month for us, where we nearly tripled our previous record high. This also led us to being able to upgrade many things behind the scenes, so bagging teas has become infinitely faster.
We also were unfortunately incredibly late with many orders, some people having to wait upwards of 3 weeks to receive their order. Whatever the reason we don't like that, it's a bad look.
So to both make up for our blunders, and to express our sheer gratitude for this amazing, breakaway month, we're looking to reward everyone who helped make this happen.
If you placed an order between November 12th and December 8th, no matter the size, you can get yourself a FREE tea we don't sell in stores. Our "Thank You" tea has been around for a while, reserved only for special occasions where someone has earned our thanks, one of a few "secret teas" that we have here at The Dragon's Treasure.
In January, if you place an order, regardless of size, from the same account that you ordered between the above mentioned dates, you will automatically get 20g of the Thank You tea. You don't have to do anything else. Just remember that the order has to be placed with the same account that ordered previously, that's how we will know.
If you placed an order without an account or otherwise have no other way of showing that you DID place an order, contact us first and once we confirm you placed an order in those dates we will include the tea. This offer extends to everyone in the Tea of the Month club as well, who will receive this tea IN ADDITION to their regular Tea of the Month Club order. All of this is limited to 1 per person, so you cannot place multiple orders to get multiple 20g bags of the tea.
This will double up nicely with our January promotion where you could win a free copy of The Elden Ring!
Thank you all again for helping take The Teaman to some guy with just 4 teas and not a clue to what he's doing in 2010, to some guy reopening with just 12 teas and a bit more of a clue to what he's doing in 2015, to someone able to live off of his passion and his craft with only a bit more of a clue of what he's doing in 2021 and 2022.
Green Tea, Apple Pieces, Orange, Natural Lemon Flavor, Marigold Flowers, Natural Vanilla Flavor & Natural Creme Flavor |