Mar 12, 2021
TL;DR - We're going to start regularly pulling some teas and introducing new ones so we can better experiment and try out new stuff!
For a while now, we have hovered at 60 teas, not counting the holiday teas. We only introduced new products after taking a few others off our catalog. We won't go into detail about why we've chosen to do this, but it did present to us some unique problems. Namely how could we keep things fresh, not letting our store go stale? What if we have a new tea we want to introduce?
We finally have a solution to this problem that also solves some other problems, and that is: Tea Cycles!
Starting at the end of March, we are going to take some of the teas currently available out of rotation, and in their place introduce some new teas. Then, after an - as of now - undecided amount of time, we will introduce the next cycle. The next cycle could include new teas, or some old teas coming back into rotation.
We have several goals with this. The first one is it lets us stress out a lot less when certain teas run out of season. For example, our Darjeeling of Royalty is a tea that gets sold out relatively quickly, so we need to bulk purchase a lot ahead of time, because if we don't it could be "sold out" on our website for months. This also runs the risk of the tea not being as fresh later on. Now, with tea cycles, if it runs out, we can cycle it out for another tea without skipping a beat!
Another thing we can now do is introduce variants to old teas. We can try to change up the formula a bit, or use new ingredient suppliers to see if the tea can taste better. Don't worry, we will make it perfectly clear when we've done this with one of our teas.
The Cycles won't be a direct 1-for-1 exchange. Meaning we're not going to take out a green tea then definitely introduce a green tea in its place. The teas we take out will have little bearing on the teas we bring in. Sample packs will also be modified if a tea gets taken out. The Every Tea Sample Pack will ONLY include the teas that are currently in the cycle. We will have a separate sample pack dedicated entirely to the current cycle.
To give you a sample (tee hee) of what will be coming around, here's one of the new teas that will be featured: Cherry Mazipan Oolong! This nutty yet fruity mix contains: Oolong Tea, Cinnamon, Apple Pieces, Rose Hips, Natural Wild Cherry Flavor, Natural Almond Flavor, Cherries & Rose Petals.
Its name may be subject to change if we find the right character or trope to align with it, as with all other new teas. Stay on the lookout for more information coming soon!